When I started daily blogging, I was concerned that I’d run out of things to say. And to be honest, I’m only 1 month into it, so it’s still a fear. But it’s been allayed, somewhat, by a maxim from the world of Improv Theatre.
“There is always something in the box.”
There is an exercise where students in an improv class take turns at opening an imaginary box. The natural instinct is to prepare; to think about what’s in the box before it gets to you. Students are discouraged from doing this. Instead, they are encouraged to wait until the box is passed to them, to open it, and to genuinely respond to whatever appears.
They are asked to trust the process. To trust there is always something in the box. To trust there will be something to react to, to share, to be generous with.
Showing up every day and trying to write something thoughtful and generous can feel uncomfortable. Particularly when you’re having a hard day, or feel lacking in inspiration.
However, even in the last month, I’ve seen evidence that there is always something in the box. There is always a new way to look at the world.
What’s in the box may not be earth-shattering everyday, but that’s okay. That’s not the point. The point is to respond as best as possible to what ever is there, in the hope that it may resonate with someone else.
H/T Improv Wisdom by Patricia Ryan Madsen