Have you ever picked up a book and not been ready for it?
Or how about reading one and wishing you’d found it at an earlier moment in life?
I tried to read The Lord of the Rings when I was 9.
But when I was 19, you couldn’t peel me away from the pages of The Return of the King; I was trapped in its prose.
I saw Ryan Holiday’s ‘The Obstacle is the Way’ in 2014 in an Auckland bookstore, but passed on it. Yet in 2017, it became the spark that got me hooked on stoic philosophy.
I believe there is such a thing as Right Time Resonance: the moment a book was destined to meet us—either when we’re ready for it, or when we need it most.
Do you have a book that hit you at either the right or wrong time? Do you think Right Time Resonance exists? I’d love to hear about it!