Back in 1937, George Orwell wrote these words:
“Our civilisation is founded on coal more completely than one realises until one stops to think about it. The machines that keep us alive, and the machines that make machines, are all directly or indirectly dependent upon coal. In the metabolism of the Western world the coal-miner is second in importance only to the man who ploughs the soil.”—The Road to Wigan Pier
Less than 100 years ago we were dependent upon coal.
Since then, we’ve discovered and harnessed new forms of energy, and have also realised that uninhibited burning of fossil fuels will lead to climate disaster.
The early morning sun hits my face as I write this, and it has me thinking about 2037—16 years from now, and the 100 year anniversary of Orwell’s words—and about where humanity will be.
I’m encouraged by the fact that 2019 was the first time the UK generated more electricity from renewables than fossil fuels. That switch alone is a big milestone.

With this trend set to continue, here’s hoping my blog post update in 2037 will tell that story!