I’m about 3 hours in to Obama’s new book, A Promised Land, and I’m loving it. At 30 hours, it’s a biggie, but his care and devotion with each page is evident.
I’m used to seeing “Presidential Obama”, so reading about his childhood, his years in education, his relationship with Michelle, his experience becoming a dad, and his journey to being the only sitting black Senator in 2004, are wonderful behind-the-scenes insights I’ve read about so far.
I’ll post a reflection on the entire book when I get to the end of it, as there is still a long way to go.
If you’re thinking about reading it, I highly recommend the audiobook. There is something unique about hearing Obama narrate his story. You get a richer understanding of his message and intention through not just his words, but with his every pause, inflection, and change in pace and energy.
Tip: Instead of paying $45 for the audiobook, signing up to a 1 month Audible membership for $8 will get you 1 audiobook credit you can use to buy A Promised Land. The 80% discount is well worth it!