The other day, I posted about trying Nourished, a 3D printed, personalised vitamin subscription service.
I wrote about the personalisation of products, about Nourished’s business model, and I even talked about how it felt like “the future”.
And then, I received a reply from a reader-turned-friend, Barry, “So, how did they taste?”
I’d spent so much time talking about the bells, whistles, and opinions, and I missed the obvious question.
I would’ve written a better post had I taken a step back and asked if I was missing anything obvious. This is true for blog posts, projects at work, and general decision making.
P.S. I owe you a reply, Barry. The vitamins are yum compared to the typical chalky vitamin pills. They’re not as chewy or sweet as a candy gummy, but they are a morsel I now look forward to each morning this week.