It’s been 6 months since I’ve started cutting my own hair. For those new to the blog, I wrote about the first time here.
My measure of success is: if I can avoid comments like, “What happened, dude?” I assume I’m doing okay.
As I cut my hair this morning, I had two reflections:
- Building muscle memory is hard when there is a 4-6 week break between practice sessions. When we want to learn—and learn fast—we need frequent, deliberate practice.
- The hard part about cutting your own hair ends up not being the cutting itself, but the clean up. Interestingly, my focus whilst cutting has now shifted from the cutting to trying my best to avoid a lengthy sweep-up.
I think 2) is a helpful metaphor for our work and projects. We’re used to focusing on the task at hand, but it’s easy to forget about the mess we may be making now, that we’ll have to clean up down the road.