I’ve been keeping a daily diary since November.
If this blog captures my learnings and reflections, my diary—in contrast—is an account of “things done”.
I generally pick one thing from the day that I’d like to remember, and I try be as specific as possible. I describe the “what” rather than the “how it made me feel.”
For example, I’ll write about taking a walk in the park and calling a friend. However, I won’t write “it was good,” or “it was fun.” Instead, I describe one specific thing we talked about.
For this project I bought a 5 Year Diary, where each day has space for 1-2 sentences. Just enough space to articulate something memorable.
Looking back on the past few months of writing, I can now vividly remembering days that I would’ve otherwise forgot.
For a task that only takes 1 minute before bed, I’m confident it’ll pay dividends for many years to come.