The photo of the payphone below brings back a very sweet memory.
In 2011, Maru and I were doing long distance. She was living in Connecticut, and I in New Zealand. We hadn’t seen each other in 4-5 months, I was on a lengthy layover in Miami, and was wanting to call her to say I had arrived safely.
I found a group of payphones, and calls were 25 cents per minute, so I figured we could at least chat for a short while.
I had issues with the first payphone, it took the quarter, but didn’t connect. So I moved to another, and that’s when I found the glitch.
After I inserted the quarter and called Maru, it didn’t prompt me to insert additional coins, nor did it disconnect me. We simply carried on talking for over an hour.
Maru and I were used to Skyping when we had wifi, but there was something special about this moment. Payphones aren’t meant to work like that, but this one did, on that day, for us.
And so whenever I pass through Miami and see them, they always make me smile.