I was listening to a podcast today where I learnt about ’Wembley Singles’. It’s a form of backyard football with a twist.
Firstly, it’s a free-for-all. There’s one goal, one goal keeper, and no teams. Everyone on the field plays for themselves.
When a player scores, they get to stand on the sideline. This continues until there is only 1 player who hasn’t scored a goal; that person gets knocked out. The whole process then repeats itself until there are only 2 players that haven’t been knocked out. At this point, the first out of these two to score a goal wins the game.
Apparently, Wembley Singles is a chaotic mess, and I’m not surprised. When everyone plays for themselves, the skill, craft, and level of play quickly reach a limit.
That’s why we have teams. In football, at work, with friends, and with our families. Life is smoother, more fun, and much more fulfilling, when we’re doing it with others.