Back in 2019, my sister, brother-in-law, and I played the boardgame Pandemic Legacy. I loved it and wrote about it here.
Legacy style boardgames are like a TV series, whereas typical boardgames are more like films. In Legacy games, there is a storyline that you play over many sittings, and the challenges and plot twists are revealed throughout. Legacy games tend to have a level of depth to the narrative and gameplay mechanics that make it serious fun.
Maru and I have recently started a new legacy game with some close friends: Pandemic Legacy Season 0. It’s pitched as the backstory to the original Pandemic Legacy and has us operating as spies during the Cold War on a mission to prevent a looming bio-threat. We’re all working together and solving problems as a team, which make the wins and the losses all the more exciting.
If you and a small group of friends are already into boardgames, I’d highly recommend trying out a Legacy game. It requires more commitment than a normal boardgames, but its well worth the effort.