I’ve written numerous times over the years about the value of improvised comedy, in particular its principles that also serve as pieces of wisdom for life.
One of its most valuable rules is, “Make your partner look good”.
The person who tries to make themself look good on stage, who isn’t generous or gracious to their fellow actors, who hogs the limelight and thinks the whole show is about them, they’re much less fun to watch. This inevitably leads to them being less funny too.
In contrast, the person who saves others from a pickle, gives others great prompts, and is always thinking about how to better support their team mates, that person ends up being an audience favourite. The audience appreciates the work, the effort, and the thought that goes into playing the team game. And you guessed it, these end up being the hilarious improv actors.
The extension of this rule to life is simple. The less we focus on ourselves, and the more we try to make our family, friends, and colleagues the stars, the more fun we have. Although success isn’t guaranteed, it’s a worthy way to live.