I get my haircut at Jimmy’s. He’s a one-man band operating out of the same North London locale for more than 30 years. He’s cheery, nearing 7ft in height, super-greek, and a joy to chat with each month.
I went to see Jimmy early this morning and was shocked with what I saw.
“Jimmy, you look fantastic!”, I said.
“Thank you for noticing, my friend. I’ve lost 21 kilograms in the last three months!” replied Jimmy.
But he didn’t need to say a thing. The grinning smile behind his huge handlebar moustache said it all.
For the next 20 minutes, Jimmy told me all about how his low-carb diet and disciplined cheat days (where he could eat whatever he wanted) enabled him to go from 138kgs to 117kgs.
Jimmy gave me a great gift today. He exemplified the lesson that no matter our age (he’s in his late 60s), we’re all capable of change. We don’t need to be the victims of habit and circumstance. We can change.