There is a popular quote often attributed to Einstein, “If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.”
The Library of Congress’ Folklife Centre believe the quote to be folklore, but its inspiration to be genuine. The first version of the quote seems to have come from a New Mexico Library Bulletin article from 1958. It describes how a woman had once asked Einstein how to prepare her child for a career in science. Einstein recommended ‘fairy tales, and more fairy tales’ because ‘creative imagination is the essential element in the intellectual equipment of the true scientist’.
My nephew reminds me of this quote: he’s constantly asking for stories. I only get to see him once every 6 months, so I relish the chance to tell him tales; some that I remember from my own childhood, as well as ones I make up on the fly.
I love seeing his mind connect the dots and his curiosity at work. I won’t go as far as saying I’m arming him with “intellectual equipment”, but that doesn’t matter. His smile and laugh is more than enough magic to warrant the effort.